That was a rare bout in which Gatti left the ring virtually unmarked.
It was a rare bout between two stars, especially in the Stanley Cup finals.
Jonathan, my stepdad, would have told me this rare bout of violence was because my teenage need to rebel was resurfacing, or something equally stupid.
Of all the times to have one of her rare bouts of morning sickness!
Nevertheless, the latest scandal seems to have created a rare bout of confusion.
Perhaps the Old Man had mentioned it sometime, in one of his rare bouts of loquacity.
At one point, during one of the rare decent bouts, a downcast Bontempo complained: "How can there be boos?
Days, maybe weeks later, I was sunning myself on a rock by the bayou, enjoying one of the last rare bouts of heat as autumn slid into winter.
Listening on a still operative tap, he learned diat the one that die mate had discovered had fallen victim to a rare bout of cleaning.
We're having one of our rare bouts of sunny weather here in Seattle, and man am I exhausted.