There was none, so Arcot continued: "Now we come to an impossibly rare coincidence.
Just one of those rare coincidences, he said.
Only what is thought, said, or done at a certain rare coincidence is good.
In a rare coincidence, Nato's leadership joined the celebrations.
All, by rare coincidence, had losing records this season, except Bruce.
It's a 20th-century equivalent of the pyramids, one that turns on a rare coincidence of available housing stock, public funds and capable management.
This was described as a "rare and appalling coincidence", but has been picked up on by the case for the defence since the trial.
He passed away long back on Snan Purnima day itself which is a rare coincidence.
He had only some dim notion how to proceed now but he was sure that this was an amazing and very rare coincidence.
So rare a coincidence was too much to restrain my hand further.