This makes it difficult to know exactly how many Seras were produced, although it is certainly less than 16,000 and they are now becoming rare collectibles.
He bought several comics as a kid and has some that he has never opened, hoping they would become rare collectibles someday.
Only the 1947 cherry tables are truly rare collectibles.
This made them rare and expensive collectibles.
Later, most of these albums would become rare collectibles, as they were never released again.
However, the remaining arcade cabinets have become rare collectibles and the game has received later praise for its innovative 3D graphics.
Freedberg founded the company in the hopes of selling rare collectibles.
These products range from mass market items to high-end consumer products and rare collectibles.
His watercolor pieces diminished in number as his oil works gained notoriety, and today the surviving watercolors are rare collectibles.
Hershenson was skeptical of the company's value in selling rare collectibles.