A rare confluence of events has conspired to put figure skating - consistently the most popular sport on TV outside of professional football - in greater demand than ever.
Tornado outbreaks are less consistent geographically than individual tornadoes, mainly because the rare confluence of conditions that create them can occur anywhere.
The great tenor was speaking from the vortex of a rare cultural confluence.
That's especially true given the rare confluence of enormous air masses that caused Sunday's storm.
But this time the difficulties are compounded by a rare confluence of contradictory forces and unusually discordant data.
They were blessed, again, by a rare confluence of gifted singers and musicians.
I knew that I had been present with King and Reno at a rare linguistic confluence, while an audience of millions conjoined the fun.
They should save the histrionics for the rare confluence of exceptional effort, timing and luck.
In a rare confluence of events, the bacteria pass through the mucous lining and into the bloodstream in newly infected people.
A review of the case suggests a rare confluence of factors that could justify a criminal prosecution.