I've made a fortune in my time, Sharpe, a rare fortune, and you don't make a fortune without knowing men.
It was my rare good fortune that I was not recognized.
It was a rare good fortune for Italy, the stress of weather that drove her to break from this prison-house.
You have the rare fortune to be a Ruling Lady.
What fortune rare brings thee back living here to fare - 3765 if Draugluin thou art?
The original "Heir of the Dog" album covers are very rare and worth a small fortune to collectors.
To dream of jeweled garments, betokens rare good fortune to the dreamer.
If you have the rare fortune to surprise him now when he does not see you, you will note a curious thing.
For Yulada has singled you out for rare good fortune.
Is it not rare good fortune to see our sins transfigured to virtue; to be able to account earthly enjoyment the service of Heaven?