Gary opens a shop in the present day, named "Blitz and Pieces", selling goods he acquires in the 1940s as rare memorabilia.
Second, such rare memorabilia is expensive - Upper Deck paid $23,000 for the bat - so chopping it up lets the poor folk own a tiny part of a legacy.
It also has original drawings, previously unpublished lyric sheets, and other rare memorabilia.
The March 1991 auction attracted nearly 800 collectors who were interested in purchasing some of Copeland's rare memorabilia.
Omaka's first exhibition, "Knights of the Sky", presents one of the world's largest collections of World War I aircraft and rare memorabilia, including a mix of static displays along with flyable planes.
The event also included a silent auction featuring signed and rare memorabilia with all of the proceeds, including ticket sales, going toward music education programs.
At the Disney-MGM Studios, there is a new attraction, Walt Disney: One Man's Dream, that showcases Disney's life with historic film clips, rare memorabilia from his first animation studio and audio interviews.
Collectibles appraisers say the same holds for rare memorabilia from superstars of the 1960's and 70's, like the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, the Doors' Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin.
Most expensive and rarest of all theater memorabilia is the kumadori, a strip of cloth an actor presses to his face after a performance to capture the makeup and, often, the sweat stains.
She does frequent speaking engagements about the history of broadcasting, bringing with her a collection of rare memorabilia.