He gave $14 million in 1997 to enable the museum to purchase rare and valuable Chinese paintings.
The household dreams are illustrated by a color newspaper advertisement hanging on the wall like a rare painting.
The show includes rare paintings, works on paper and sculpture.
Aside from the rare paintings as mentioned above, Puritan women created handicrafts.
Bergen lived long enough to see something else: He visited a store one day that sold rare and old paintings.
"It is an illuminating example of a rare painting that tells us so much about the way the artist worked."
In addition to the Matisses, there are some particularly rare and personal paintings.
An investigator and art dealer who specializes in hunting down rare paintings.
More important were the rare paintings on the wall, unquestioned specimens of Flemish art.
But a great many cliffs were pink, and in the dazzling sunlight stood out like rare paintings.