The incident has also given Germans a rare peek into deeds committed in their name that seem to bypass this country's usual regard for rules.
It offers visitors a rare peek into the lives of not only these greatly endangered birds, but the people trying to save them from extinction.
Super-8 film offers a rare historical peek into the Residents private lives.
The research provides a rare peek into the fate of those who leave welfare, though an imperfect one.
A rare peek into fashion world, creativity and style like no other.
The result is that accounts by ethnic Koreans visiting their relatives offer a rare peek into one of the most secretive countries in the world.
Inc.'s prospectus for a private debt offering provides a rare peek into a private company.
The book offers a rare peek inside a world that thrives on secrecy and the promise of outsize returns.
The lawsuit offers a rare peek into a system that for years has zealously protected these secrets.
Despite its limitations, it is a rare peek back in time to the heyday of Boston's local music scene.