The Flock enjoys a rare period of peace, even attending a private school, which is later discovered to have been an insane asylum.
Our mothers, indeed, are both physically and mentally most vigorous during the all too rare period of pregnancy.
The 1888 paintings were created during a rare period of optimism for the artist.
"We're seeing a rare period of very misleading signals from the trade data coming in."
She's in a rare quiet period between roles, but as she tells me, her time off was unexpectedly interrupted the previous week.
Rome, enjoying a rare period of peace, was perfectly set up for this English invasion.
During his reign the nation experienced a rare extended period of peace.
If ever asked to explain one of her rare periods of quiet, she would reply, Still waters run deep.
They began, she said, during one of those rare periods 'when poor Jack was at home'.
The industry is enjoying a rare period of prosperity from higher fares, cost cuts and fewer empty seats.