The same gallery presents two of Bassano's rare portraits from Memphis and Kassel for comparison.
It included a rare portrait of Madame Poincaré, the prime minister's wife.
A catalogue which contains such exact reproductions of rare and authentic portraits, is itself a work of art, and serviceable to the student.
Also among the stolen items, Izvestia said, were Russian icons and rare miniature portraits.
In 2009 a previously unrecognised rare portrait of William Shakespeare was found to have been hanging in the drawing room of the house.
Bromley mentions a rare engraved portrait of him, signed by George Vertue.
This rare portrait of a person who does other people's taxes for a living is one reason "Look Who's Talking" has the accounting profession talking.
But living there allows him to produce a rare, fantastically detailed portrait of life in an African slum.
While the crisis affecting Africa has been widely reported, these articles offer a rare portrait of the everyday struggles in one place.
In April 2008, a rare portrait, believed to be of Southampton has been discovered using X-ray technology.