Both are increasingly rare prizes for commuters on the six-month-old train service, who sometimes feel like victims of the success they have created.
"Two of these rare prizes gone," the auctioneer was saying.
The others followed suit, praising Kerick for the capture of his rare prize.
He felt humble to be so favored, to be awarded this rare prize.
Another rare prize in these waters is the red drum or channel bass.
Weston snatched the newspaper as though he had acquired a rare prize.
Stay close to Ruddlyn and he will find us a rare prize.
A living being, for Rangda, is a rare prize, and she may richly reward the demons who brought him to her.
And this one he opened reverently, as if it were a casket containing a rare prize.
A rare prize with sufficient resources to support a culture intelligent enough to be turned into a workforce.