"I think she's just been extraordinary," he said in a rare reference to the embarrassing situation his wife has faced.
Nowhere is there mention of boomers less well off than profligate retirees, and the book's rare references to the lower classes are condescending.
Reporters asked why a civil union would not be considered marriage, eliciting a rare personal reference.
These libraries has a collection of books and periodicals and rare references regarding the history and culture of Birbhum district.
Religion was unduly stressed more than political, territorial and ethnic factors, with very rare references to democratic and self-determination movements in both countries.
A rare classical reference to dog food appears in Virgil's Bucolics:
He is a resident Lincoln fanatic, underlining each rare reference he can find to the cottage.
In a rare reference on Monday night, Ron Paul said:
The story contains a rare reference to the Doctor's family.
A man in a blue shirt and brown fedora smokes a pipe with, the artist says, "thoughts of Magritte" - a rare reference to art history.