Western cottonmouth and plenty more rare reptiles.
Other rare and endangered toothy reptiles on display include some of the world's last remaining golden crocodiles.
The Orinoco Crocodile is one of the rarest reptiles in the world, with fewer than 250 specimens remaining in the wild.
To the Laonese, the ythid is a monster so dread as to have become symbolic and mythological, save that such reptiles, though rare, do indeed exist.
Lionel Kellaway gets close to a smooth snake and sand lizard, our rarest reptiles.
Plowshare Tortoise: The rarest reptile on earth, with 400 to 1,000 still thought to exist in the wild.
There are also some rare reptiles, like the Blue Mountain Water Skink.
The zoo houses some of the rarest reptiles, including the world's heaviest snake (over 375 lbs.
New or rare Philippine reptiles.
Some new and rare reptiles and amphibians from Southern Ecuador.