Thereafter the serious parody became rare until the 20th century.
It is said that board meetings were rare until the 1960s.
Crime remained relatively rare until the 1810s; the city's first murder occurred in 1817.
Otherwise group portraits of officers are rather surprisingly rare until the 19th century.
The cards, rare until the early 1980's, will be used for an estimated $6 billion in calls this year.
Temperatures above 30 C during the summer were rare until the 80s of the 20th century.
As a result, the type was relatively rare until the 1870s.
Plumbing was extremely rare until the growth of modern densely-populated cities in the 1800s.
They were rare in England until the 13th century, after which there is scarcely an altar without one.
Dutch colonies in the Caribbean remained rare until the second third of the 17th century.