The bones offered a rare window on the unit's activities - exactly what the city was desperate to avoid.
The case provides a rare window on the transformation of the nation's $9 billion funeral industry.
More important, this access gives the reader a rare window on Ellison's mind.
The study also provides a rare window onto the mental health of city schoolchildren before Sept. 11.
The lower value of the dollar has provided American companies with a rare window of opportunity to put global strategies in place.
We have a rare window to make the big ideas of individual ownership and economic opportunity a political reality for all Americans.
Their documented accounts offer a rare, firsthand window into the workings of a secret world.
The latest investigation has opened a rare window into a huge business of corporate middlemen.
Legal strategy aside, the report provides a rare window into the inner workings of the exchange.
The courts offer a rare window on immigrant life in America.