After long hours of horror and dark terror, the rats consumed the last of the maize and disappeared back through the roof.
Pretraining on this day ends when the rats locate and consume water from all 5 baited wells.
The rats consumed the humans alive.
Palm oil earned Malaysia some £344 million in 1979; if left alone, rats would probably have consumed £22 million of the profits.
The bamboo rat primarily consumes young leaves, stems, and petioles.
Most likely, Audubon left out the prosciutto because the rats had consumed that as a first course.
The omnivorous black rat consumes seeds, flowers and fruits, and many small animals.
The fool bragged of it even as the rats consumed his flesh.
The brown rat is a true omnivore and will consume almost anything, but cereals form a substantial part of its diet.
Wilfred plans to commit suicide before the rats consume him, but apparently misplaces his gun.