Just after the rat emerged from the trap, the glow burst into brightness.
A gigantic rat emerges from a pit in the middle of the floor.
When the rat emerged, the wires touched its nose and neatly electrocuted it.
Sleek, prosperous, and unafraid, the rat twitched its nose and emerged from the garbage.
He saw the small hole in the corner of the wall from which the rats emerged.
A rat emerged and perched atop the pile of ancient lumber stacked there.
If all goes well, Mr. Scott said, the rats will not emerge to stagger, Frankenstein-like, before death overtakes them.
Here were the holes from which rats emerged to prey upon society, then scurry back to cover.
Checking the hole from which the rat had emerged, he rejected it, and continued his slow movement along the Maze.
Once that has been done, the rats emerge, offering to tell the humans where to find the stolen food and money, in return for living peacefully with them.