The rats received the drug or placebo through shots or a pump hooked up to their bodies.
When rats that have started feeding receive injections of GLP-1 in the brain , he said, they stop eating.
Though he escaped prison, the rat, nonetheless, received a handshake from the cop for the assistance.
Once a rat had received a pellet, it was obliged to wait an average of one minute before another press of the lever would be rewarded.
Before the launching, each rat received a drug intended to stimulate bone growth.
Each rat receives an increasing number of trials, as one trial is given per day.
In the control groups, the rats received an equivalent volume of the vehicle.
The rats received a 1 ml saline bolus through the duodenal line every 30 minutes for two hours to achieve full equilibration.
For example, "A rat is placed in a cage and immediately receives a mild electrical shock on its feet.
The rat receives another shock, presses the bar again, and again the shock stops.