He uses a rat trapped in a heated container to scrape him.
Like a rat trapped in a corner by dogs.
The Rusties had been stuck down in these streets like a horde of rats trapped in a burning maze.
We've got a rat trapped in the court across the way and he might start shooting.
In some trials, the center cage had a rat trapped inside, and in some trials it was empty.
The terror ran endlessly on in his mind, making him feel like a rat trapped on an exercise wheel.
He felt like a rat trapped in a maze, with dead ends in every direction.
The sharp squeals of the rats trapped between his tyres strengthened his hate for them and this spurred him on.
I could be trapped here at the top of the tower and be either forced to jump or killed like a rat trapped in a barn.
Garta awoke in the night, pain ripping at him like an angry rat trapped in his belly.