The rate of growth approached the limit but nobody was particularly worried.
He frequently uses ye instead of you, at rates sometimes approaching 50%.
The jobless rate in some counties is approaching 20 percent.
But America's indebtedness to the rest of the world is rising at an annual rate approaching $700 billion.
Half of China uses it, and rates of cure there approach 96 percent for new cases.
Partners at such firms, whose hourly rates have been approaching $700, often make more than $1 million.
The average rate on a 30-year conventional mortgage was less than 6 percent and approached 5 percent in the first half of the year.
First Union even offers credit cards to people who have declared bankruptcy, if they are willing to pay rates approaching 20 percent.
If the rate of interest approached this minimum level, no speculators would wish to buy securities.
Our rate of casualties is rapidly approaching twenty-five to thirty thousand a year.