Specifically, when you ask "how long" this implies some rate of change with time (in this case freezing).
The large apparent false negative and positive rates imply that pure computational gene prediction is not yet a practical alternative to experimental evidence.
The former, loophole-strewn system, some experts added, was less progressive than its many rates implied.
The rate implies that a family with take-home pay of $40,000 saves on average $1.50 a week.
A relatively low rate may imply a slow or negligible spread in large groups.
Estelle's new rates implied she was harboring some pretty wild ones of her own.
The high rate of change implies that the pages might have already been updated or even deleted.
For example, a churn rate of 25% implies an average customer life of 4 years.
An annual churn rate of 33% implies an average customer life of 3 years.
Today's V.42, V.42bis and V.44 standards allow the modem to transmit data faster than its basic rate would imply.