Since 1971, thanks to routine immunizations, the rate has plummeted - to 0.51 per 100,000.
Today, he said, rates have plummeted to the point that the usual total reimbursement for psychologists is $65 to $75 an hour.
Without the proper funds, their rate of survival would plummet.
Input prices, a measure of manufacturers' raw material costs, fell by 0.6% on the month while the annual rate plummeted from 13.6% to 8.7%.
In 1989, the rate for female first offenders given probation plummeted, to 9 percent.
But for city residents, the rates plummeted by 58 percent in only six months.
It brings further misery to savers who have seen rates plummet during the credit crisis.
With the introduction of antenatal care, that rate plummeted to 4.9 percent.
As new companies, particularly Qwest, entered that market, rates plummeted even faster.
Argentina's soaring interest rates will suddenly plummet, he promised, all without a devaluation.