Their metabolic rate surged and they became hyperactive and nervous.
Dealers do not relish holding large inventories on their shelves, exposing them to losses if rates should surge higher.
The rate of expansion surged to 24,800 a year between 1983 and 1985, and fell back to 1,300 a year from 1985 to 1987.
Technology stocks, and those sensitive to swings in interest rates surged higher.
But if that rate suddenly surges, traders, producers and manufacturers can get caught.
Those rates surged again after the wars, he said.
The claims figures came on the heels of a report last week that showed the nation's jobless rate surged to 6.4 percent in June.
The fully mission capable rate surged to 88.8%, while cost per flying hour dropped from $1,136 to just over $700.
Though low, the national rate of syphilis surged during the mid-1980's, reaching a high of 20.3 cases per 100,000 in 1990.
At yesterday's auction of new three- and six-month bills, rates surged to their highest level in three years.