The album was rated favorably by critics and reached number 38 in the UK Albums Chart.
He is rated favorably by 27 percent, versus 29 percent unfavorable with 45 percent saying they "don't know" or are "undecided."
Each is rated favorably by 45 percent of the public and unfavorably by 27 percent.
"They are also more likable, and a halo effect may occur when warm or satisfied employees are rated favorably on other desirable attributes."
Since most drivers fall into favorably rated categories, the net result is expected to be lower costs for millions of drivers.
Then, Mr. Bush was rated favorably by 35 percent and unfavorably by 45 percent.
Alternatively, companies may threaten to divert investment banking business to competitors unless their stock was rated favorably.
Less favorably rated were the pension plans for fire and police employees.
The most favorably rated of the 15 sites surveyed was that of (
In the same poll, General Powell was rated favorably by 43 percent of the public.