The show's rating began to suffer and in 1975, the series was dropped.
When ratings begin to slip, new approaches are called for.
The ratings began fairly strong, considering that he is a Republican, but they have slipped during his first two years in office.
It was in this latter area that the ratings were beginning to reveal potential problems.
But the show's ratings quickly began what turned into a steady slide.
At the end of its third season in 1978, ratings began to drop, and the show was canceled after 70 episodes.
By that time, the channel's ratings were beginning to fall.
However, the actor returned to the show the following season after the ratings began to fall.
Eventually, those changes started to take hold and ratings began to improve.
It had 19 participants, began broadcasting on 11 May 2009 with a 31.9 rating and a peak of 46 points.