Fox's ratings dipped at 9:30, however, when its new series, "On the Lot," attracted only 5.2 million viewers.
However, their partnership did not last long as ratings dipped.
When Shadoe's ratings dipped, then I really had to earn my money by aggressively marketing his talent.
The station's ratings have also dipped considerably since Dave and Geri's departure (see: 1).
"We know there's a decided ratings dip when our viewers know it's an old episode," he said.
However, ratings dipped to 253,000 in 2008.
And as noted in the article, the ratings have not dipped.
Scouts say his ratings soared, dipped and then soared again during the college football season.
In the second season, the viewership and ratings dipped to a series low 1.59 million viewers and 0.6 rating with adults aged 18-49.
"The ratings have been dipping in recent years, and this is just one of a number of things we're trying to get those ratings up."