In England, the rating list that came into force on 1 April 2005 featured a new relief designed to benefit small businesses.
In order to smooth these jumps in liability, schemes of transitional relief have been applied to each rating list.
Starting on 1 April 1990, a rating list for each local authority was compiled.
Each rating list runs for five years, and may change within that time.
They are important to program producers, because the shows that finish near the bottom of the rating list are almost always cancelled.
For this current rating list, that date is 1 April 1988.
In the official rating list of October 2008 he crossed the "2700" threshold at 2716 points.
Due to the generally smaller number of ratings these games receive, they often become lost in the overall rating list.
The other five qualifiers in this category were replaced by five players from the average rating list.
An appeal against a rateable value begins with a proposal to alter the rating list.