Those ratings do not match the pessimism of 1992 and 1980, when the voters rejected incumbent presidents, but they are still considered signs of lingering economic fears.
This rating matched the previous episode, "The Glamorous Life", for the lowest rating for an individual episode of Desperate Housewives in series history.
The agency is accused of leaning on its analysts to ensure ratings match those wanted by its clients.
Harrington claims that Moody's uses a long-standing culture of "intimidation and harassment" to persuade its analysts to ensure ratings match those wanted by the company's clients.
This rating matched the night the space shuttle exploded, according to JoAnn LaVerde, a spokeswoman for the A.C. Nielsen ratings company.
This is probably why the ratings for "Alias" have never matched the network's hopes for it.
Their ratings matched the ratings from students who had taken the teacher's course for an entire semester.
The ratings still matched those of the students who'd sat through the entire term.
The ratings, while similar, do not always match.
The network's 1.3 rating for its four regular-season games also matched Fox's for comparable time slots.