The station's ratings plummeted since the change to an all-talk format.
When the ratings plummeted, she became a brunette again.
The changes provoked a backlash from regular viewers, and ratings plummeted.
His rating plummeted below 25 percent percent in July 1990.
Interesting enough the ratings have plummeted since Rochester left recently reaching an all time low of only 500,000 viewers.
The rating of the show was mediocre throughout its airing, plummeting to 7% at one point.
Despite an extensive advertising campaign the ratings plummeted with only half as many people watching compared to the previous year.
By the time voters actually made it to the polls, the favorable ratings for both candidates had plummeted to below 40 percent.
After only two episodes, Fox yanked the show before its ratings could plummet any lower.
Forced to buy an additional nineteen hours of programming a day, its ratings plummeted even further.