Although ratings were rebounding, rumors began to swirl in July that a format change was imminent.
The governor points out that many elected officials are suffering bad poll numbers because of the tough economic times, and insists his ratings will rebound with the economy.
The ratings later rebounded in November 2012.
However, ratings did not rebound to their previous levels, and the show was finally overhauled for the Fall 2006 season and dubbed New X-Man.
His approval ratings have never rebounded from their post-hurricane plummet.
BUT the regular players have been back for four games, and the ratings still haven't completely rebounded.
Her rating rebounded well into the positive in 2004, in time for the presidential election where she won election to a new six-year term.
However, the ratings rebounded for the season seven finale with the excitement over the battle of the Davids, and improved over season six as the third most watched finale.
Under WWFS, the ratings rebounded to a 3.1 rating, then cooled down to an average of a 2.5 rating.
He also noted that CBS's ratings had rebounded dramatically, while ABC's had softened a bit.