The series, which has won widespread praise for its backstage portrait of a late-night sketch comedy show, has seen its ratings slide each week so far.
After a rather respectable ratings showing, the ratings heavily slid by early 2007.
The ratings slid all the way to a 14.8, a staggering 23 percent below what the first Monday of the Games did in 1992, which was a 19.1.
Since the station wasn't oversaw by a program director, the station's focus wasn't fine-tuned and ratings slid even moreso.
This season, "Frasier" is averaging only 11.1 million viewers and its 18-49 rating has slid to a 4.1.
"Fear Factor" easily won its time period, though its ratings slid about 11 percent from last week.
The ratings slid and Sawyer asked to be reassigned.
CNN's ratings have been sliding precipitously recently, and its parent company is about to complete its merger with America Online.
The ratings, however, slid downward each successive week, and after the show completed its limited run, it did not reappear.
Leetch's plus-minus rating slid to a season low of minus 14 after the Rangers' 3-2 loss to the Devils on Wednesday.