Polls showed a majority of Americans disapproved of the pardon, and Ford's public-approval ratings tumbled afterward.
"Glee" has taken a ratings tumble this third season.
By last season, the rating had tumbled to 8.6.
It remains the highest rated of all All-Star Games, but the rating has tumbled 20 percent from an 11.0 three years ago.
At Fox, ratings have fallen only 33 percent since 1996, but ratings among key demographics are tumbling.
BET's ratings were strong in 2006 but tumbled in the first quarter of this year.
But the Dallas market's rating tumbled 25 percent to a 20.0.
That Stern pulled off such a deal is remarkable; since the mid-1990's, regular-season ratings have tumbled 42 percent.
Mr. Blair was seen as arrogant and out of touch with voters, and his ratings tumbled.
For women 25 to 54, the rating tumbled 27.5 percent to a 2.1.