Nevertheless, "The program has been a ratings bonanza, with a 60-percent male audience, with an average age of 44."
For NBC the show is a reliable ratings bonanza, the third most watched awards telecast of the year, after the Oscars and the Grammys.
The last five years of John's life has been a ratings bonanza.
Granted, the Season 4 premiere numbers were a record-shattering ratings bonanza for the network, with the public eager to see how the "Shore" crew would fare in Italy.
If network and league executives are drooling over the potential ratings bonanza, the participants seem ready to get it over with.
There would be points, dunks, crazy finishes and, maybe, a ratings bonanza in ABC's first year of its N.B.A. television contract.
Mr. Jackson said the second game in six weeks between the two Florida universities might not be ratings bonanza.
Horry is also to blame for a ratings bonanza.
He also insisted that he had no stake in whether the broadcast included dramatic breaking news, a certain ratings bonanza.
Yet the ratings bonanza presents a conundrum for Fox.