In the draft report on C-8, this average ratio ranged from 66 to 80 for women and girls.
Floor-area ratios, the relation between lot size and floor space, would range from 2.98 to 8.37.
The ratio of staff members to children ranges roughly from one to four to one to eight.
Case-fatality ratios in Africa have ranged from 1% to 10%.
A floor-area ratio for an apartment building might range as high as 12-to-1 in some areas of Manhattan.
In some regions, she added, the ratio of compulsive gamblers ranges from "10 men to 6 women."
Moreover, she said, the allowable ratio can range from 41 to 45 percent, depending, in part, on the borrower's credit history.
Nurse-to-patient ratios range from 2 nurses to 1 patient to 1 nurse to 3 patients.
Carried over from the previous year were seven available rear axle ratios ranging from 2.73 to 4.56.
The ratio can range from 1.25 in a highly geared infrastructure investment to 2.5 or higher in an oil and gas transaction.