They also say that low price-to-book ratios typically reflect financial problems, another reason for investors to demand higher returns.
While convenient, these ratios may not reflect the physiognomic variation of the individuals using them.
The current ratio in Alaska actually reflects a slight improvement, from the single man's perspective, over 10 years ago.
Although there were no minority students at the school 20 years ago, the current ethnic ratios reflect the school system as a whole.
Its debt-to-capital ratio of 45 percent reflects the company's aggressive financial stance.
He said the increased ratio reflected increased interest from both retail and institutional investors.
This ratio, which compares orders with shipments, reflects the industry's performance.
That ratio reflects the national rate of about 25 percent, but state health officials want to reduce the rate to between 12 and 14 percent.
The high employment-to-population ratios of youth in the poorest regions reflect the fact that the poor must work.
A high ratio reflects a well-run business, he said.