The family resemblance provides one of the film's more rational connections.
"What rational connection can this have with that stuff in the book, and with somebody trying to kill Mannard?"
The result can be extremely high verdicts - windfalls beyond any rational connection with compensation for the plaintiffs.
The Commission ruled that, as with any other government employee, "there must be some rational connection between the individual's conduct and the efficiency of the service".
The city will also get out of businesses where the city has no rational connection.
This illustrated the rationality of Congress's goal, and also demonstrated its rational connection to the passport denial in question.
Now, we don't believe that there is a rational connection between our performance and the price of the stock.
He found that the objective had no rational connection to the means, thus the law cannot be justified.
There was "no valid, rational connection" between the policy and "its stated rehabilitative purpose," the majority said.
Secondly, the respondents failed to show a "rational connection".