He had combined his appeal to feeling, mercy, forgiveness, and love with a call to God, devoid of critical evidence and rational proof.
There are rational proofs for a First Cause and an Omega.
Hindu sages maintained that logical argument and rational proof using Nyaya is the way to obtain correct knowledge.
Most theologians have no idea of what constitutes rational proof.
Faith is the commitment of one's consciousness to beliefs for which one has no sensory evidence or rational proof.
A rational proof of God, or Christianity, would never displace the gift of faith.
However, his 'vision' of all things in God needs to be supported by rational proof.
Myth could not be demonstrated by rational proof; its insights were more intuitive, similar to those of art, music, poetry, or sculpture.
The more conventionally rational proofs failed to satisfy al-Ghazzali's strict standards.
He responded that man should believe only what can be supported either by rational proof, by the evidence of the senses, or by trustworthy authority.