Again, note the ratlike creature with the double set of hands attached to its belly.
Susan turned, saw a ratlike creature the size of a small horse scampering out from behind a stalagmite.
The ratlike creature halted less than two yards away from them.
Off to our right flowed a tide of busy little ratlike creatures harvesting the seeds.
The ratlike creatures still were pouring out the door and pouring back again, harvesting the seeds.
The bead came to rest upon the head of the ratlike creature, and then the head bobbed away, but was bobbing back again.
The floor was acrawl with small, furry, ratlike creatures.
But the ratlike creature was not turning toward the room.
And no member of Galactic Central, he was convinced, would have acted as the ratlike creature had.
Only one ratlike creature remained standing at the gangplank's foot.