Such a sweet, strong, sensible, ravishing woman, Cif, when not godstruck.
Rachel lifted her head, saw a woman enter, a ravishing Chinese woman with short black hair and sunglasses, a clinging black dress, blood-red lipstick.
The years had turned her into a desirable, ravishing woman.
She and Sarah both watched as Davinoff made his way toward a ravishing woman wearing an oriental-collared brocade, lavishly embroidered.
He approaches the registration counter quickly so that the ravishing young woman in the navy-blue uniform will not see his feet.
A ravishing, brassy blond woman crossed from the house to the phone booth, giving Constant a look of haughty contempt.
Her performance was later described by the film critic Richard Corliss (Time) as the screen's gravest, most ravishing woman warrior.
She is young again, a ravishing woman in her early thirties.
At the top of the landing Casio met another ravishing Asian woman who was leaving a bathroom.
A squaddy I knew was dancing with a ravishing Indonesian woman with her hair coiled in a bun at the back of her sleek head.