She crouched at the edge of the wagon and held the raw iron across her hands, like a blade.
The cache of raw iron had been brought down from the smithy by the great-house and lay bundled at his feet.
As of the 1870s, the sales worsened; the production of raw iron decreased from 3,800 to 1,500 t between 1869 and 1885.
The frames seem as symbolic as the images; made of raw iron, they exist in a state halfway between creation and decay.
Mayor Holden says that they carry mostly raw iron.
They actually digest raw iron and other minerals!
He can help increase his potential for fiery breath by consuming raw iron.
By dawn of the next morning, the manufacturing machine itself began to be manufactured, and additional robot feeders poured raw iron into each new unit.
The threat of it left a taste like raw iron in his mouth.
A converter is a chemical reactor which turns raw iron into steel.