Some buildings startle us with unorthodox materials, such as chain-link fencing, lead-coated copper, or raw plywood, all of which have appeared in Frank Gehry's designs.
Marriage license, fold marks grubby, photocopied lettering faded to the color of raw plywood.
The sculptural material is raw plywood, and cardboard is still wrapped around some pillars, which means there is no illusion of actual architecture.
Downstairs is a floor-to-ceiling construction composed of narrow curving strips cut from raw plywood and titled, appropriately, "Cascade."
The walls, it appears, have been paneled with sheets of cheap, raw, knotty plywood.
It is large, equilateral, made of raw plywood mad open at the top, with its interior and exterior unexpectedly opposed.
She began to stack the tapes alphabetically on a shelf made from raw plywood and cinder blocks.
The space is dominated by a stage, a bench and a long, low channel, all made of raw plywood.
"And here's one of the B-huts where we live, just raw plywood, eight to a hut."
Up at Burnt Creek they're building houses of raw, unpainted plywood.