Zach also brought up raw pork.
The disease, caused by bacteria, is contracted from contact with pigs and raw or undercooked pork.
Humans become infected when they ingest raw or undercooked pork that contain viable cysticerci.
The exact cooking time for the dish I have in mind is about 15 minutes, including the time to cook the sausage made with raw pork.
Mettwurst is a strongly flavoured German sausage made from raw minced pork, which is preserved by curing and smoking.
Back on the red team, Danielle served raw pork, twice in a row, before being thrown out of the kitchen.
Humans become infected when they eat raw or undercooked infected pork (domestic cycle).
The sausages have a very strong flavour and are made from raw minced pork which is then air dried.
Pork is less of a problem and, anyway, my grandmother would say that anyone eating raw pork deserves to be ill.
The United States reported 25 cases per year from 1991-1996, with few implicating raw or undercooked pork.