No more than a few seconds passed, perhaps half a minute before Eudoxia gave a raw and terrible scream.
He could avoid the cold dark and the memory of his own raw screams.
The pain tears out of him in a raw scream and he flails his arms at the demon, pawing like an animal.
And finally more tapping, like a drummer, keeping perfect time with the rhythm of her raw screams.
Emien's voice split into a raw scream of denial.
As that minute drew to a close, a raw, full-throated scream tore through the night air.
Should we trust his unnervingly raw screams, his confessions?
He had heard his mother's raw, angry screams.
Then, suddenly, he was lunging at Spock, his voice a raw scream: "Traitor!
For another, a third or so of the Used's lyrics are delivered in a raw, full-bodied, tuneless, throat-shredding scream.