He sighted on the driver and squeezed, then threw the shot wide in the last possible instant when a first ray of sun glinted on the badge above the driver's heart.
The rays of the sinking sun glinted on its dull, metallic skin.
The last rays of sunlight glinted from the tuning wheel on the communications unit slung over Chase Mago's shoulder, and Silence stared at it, wishing she could control it from a distance.
When the young inventor awoke the next morning in his bunk in the Sky Queen, the first rays of the desert sun were glinting into the cabin.
"Maybe they'll stop when they see this," remarked the detective significantly, and he held his revolver so that the rays of the newly-risen moon glinted on it.
At that moment a ray of sun struck through the black pall and glinted along the steel.
The last rays of the setting sun glinted through a hallway window, to burnish the drooped petals of Patricia's golden flowers!
The last rays of sun glinted red along the shining steel.
A ray of sunlight glinted into that little white, glistening, frozen desert, illuminating it with a cold and dazzling flame.
A stray ray of sunshine had worked its way down through the leaves and glinted on his hair.