I pressed the button on the beamer, looking down the ray path.
Seismic waves generated by large earthquakes enable structure below the Earth's surface to be determined along the ray path.
For the real Earth's surface, the ground wave becomes dissipated and depends of the orography along the ray path.
Using these solutions, the ray path was reconstructed and is shown to be highly tortuous through the earth model as shown in Fig. 7.
Therefore, monocular microscopes with 'straight through' ray paths have the greatest transmissivity.
Optical design is partly a science because ray paths and wavefront structure can be very accurately calculated anywhere along the propagation path through the lens.
Wave propagation can be calculated by summing over all possible ray paths.
This surrounding material forms a tube enclosing the ray, but does not incorporate the ray path itself.
This theory gets the name "banana" because the tube of influence along the entire ray path from source to receiver is an arc resembling the fruit.
The ray path is a hollow banana, or a banana-shaped doughnut.