Vista operates similarly to a ray tracer in that light paths are generated.
Yes, but I don't remember just renderer becoming synonymous with ray tracer, or offline professional renderer.
Most 3D modelers contain a number of related features, such as ray tracers and other rendering alternatives and texture mapping facilities.
Fairly simple to code and implement using a regular ray tracer.
They have achieved that with Arnold Renderer, an unbiased stochastic ray tracer.
The ray tracer will advance the ray over this distance, and then use a local derivative of the medium to calculate the ray's new direction.
The following effects can be integrated into a ray tracer in a straightforward fashion:
Enabling this effect in the ray tracer had only a 1% performance impact on the frame rate.
It is worth noting however, that certain features, particularly shadows, Anti-aliasing and Anim8or's resident ray tracer quickly become burdens on a computer's resources.
To test for this the ray tracer must compute and keep the product of the global and reflection coefficients as the rays are traced.