On this voyage all 260 male prisoners safely reached Sydney.
In 1919 the 1918 flu pandemic reached Sydney, requiring the full resources of the hospital.
The official train reached Sydney at 7:10 pm, touching off celebrations that lasted well into the night.
By the time they reached Sydney just over one month later on 12 November, the numbers had swelled to 263 recruits.
After his father's death, they migrated with their mother, reaching Sydney in 1879.
News did not reach Sydney until nearly 12 months later that Black's ship was missing.
On the last night before we were due to reach Sydney, a call came through to the bridge from the third class dining room.
Some managed to reach Sydney and seven or eight entered a shop from the rear and began to help themselves to food.
When they reached Sydney on 12 December, the group had grown to 277 men.
The last two years have been a process of picking up the pieces and focusing on one goal: reaching Sydney.