In 2008, the server would still reach an online population of 100-200 players.
The town's growth was remarkable, reaching a population of 1,500 by 1860.
It reached a peak population of 552 people in 1900.
It was perhaps the first city to reach a population above 200,000.
The city is expected to reach a population of 350,000 by 2020.
Within two or three decades, the village had reached a population of about 500, a figure where it would remain almost until the present.
The town was declared a city in 1812 and reached a peak population of some 20,000 people by 1900.
The town steadily grew and reached a population of 14,827 by 2000.
The county grew slowly, reaching a population of just 281 by 1870.
Other projects started before the law was passed could reach a population of 60,000, officials say.