He sat South and reached four hearts by a traditional route.
South reaches three no-trump by a simple route, and a heart is led to East's ace.
In the replay, as shown, Indonesia reached four hearts by a natural route.
Sitting South, he reached four hearts by an obvious route and received the lead of the diamond queen.
His figure wasn't noticeable in the main room, for he kept close to the walls, reaching the inner door by a circuitous route.
This forced him to reach the capital by a more circuitous route.
It would take him to the tenth floor; from there, he could reach the penthouse by an outside route.
As South, he reached a normal six-heart contract by a slightly surprising route.
On the diagramed deal, they reached four spades by a simple route, and the heart ten was led.
He reached three no-trump by an obvious route and received a club lead.