But after this demographic bulge reaches middle age and retirement, the population is expected to contract.
All others have left before reaching the limit, due to resignation, retirement, promotion, or other reasons.
When the person reached retirement, their money would gradually be paid out of their account back to them as income.
That would reduce the risk of running out of money when many workers reached retirement.
Time, and technology, have also caught up with his trade; its veterans are reaching retirement without nearly enough people to replace them.
With more than eight million customers, such insurance is one of the many products that companies are pitching to older Americans reaching retirement.
He reached mandatory retirement from the Senate at 75 years old on July 21, 2012.
His father reached retirement from the army two years after Wingate was born.
What if there's not enough money when she and her husband, Brook, reach retirement?
Of the estimated 76 million baby boomers reaching retirement in coming years, some will start businesses.